1. Special Session on Mathematical Modeling, Optimization Theory and New Methods
[Download the PDF Call for Papers]
Scope and Objectives:
Mathematical modeling and optimization problems arising from engineering, management, art and sciences, and some interdisciplinary subjects such as mathematical economics, mathematical physics and biology, financial optimization, portfolio optimization, are becoming a hot research topic. This special session aims to discuss about how to set mathematical modeling, design optimization method for above mentioned problems and how to use these methods to practical problems, Also this special session is going to provide young researchers a forum to demonstrate and exchange their recent progress on optimization theory and new methods.
The Session topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
Sessions Organizers:
Dr. Liping Jia
Leshan Normal University, 614004, Leshan, Sichuan, China.
Dr. Hecheng Li
Qinghai Normal University, Xining, China.
2. Special Session on Bio-inspired Algorithms and their Application
[Download the PDF Call for Papers]
Scope and Objectives:
Bio-inspired Algorithms are a hot topic and they make use of some biological behavior to construct the problem solving processes or algorithms. Currently, a large number of the related approaches have been developed, such as Particle Swarm Optimization, Ant Colony Algorithm, Artificial Bee Colony, Bacteria Foraging Optimization, Bat Algorithm, DNA Computing, Membrane Computing, Neural Networks, and so on. However, how to design efficient and effective bio-inspired algorithms and use these algorithms to application problems are still an important issue.
This special session aims to bring researchers from academia and industry together to report the latest research work and development of Bio-inspired Algorithms, to address the broad challenges in both theory and applications, and to explore future research directions. Proposed submissions should be original, unpublished and well-written research works either from a methodological perspective or from an application point of view. In particular, hybrid approaches and state-of-the-art reviews will specially be welcomed.
The Session topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
Sessions Organizers:
Dr. Junfeng Chen
Email: chenjf@hhuc.edu.cn
3. International Workshop on Security and Safety in Network & Information System
[Download the PDF Call for Papers]
Scope and Objectives:
This international workshop aims to identify and explore the different issues and challenges related to system security and reliability in network & information system. Such as, what are the benefits or inconvenience of mobility on security? What are the appropriate mobility models to have a good level of security? How can we build up trusted platforms and trustworthy systems for wireless and mobile networks? How can we authenticate users in open wireless networks? How can we build up security protocol for resource-limited devices? How can we build up a secure architecture for wireless and mobile networks? In addition, novel ideas and research works from end consumers’ perspective, such as privacy, trustworthiness and network survivability, will be embraced by the session. Further, consider the big challenges of safety-critical systems, this workshop also includes discussions of system reliability and safety.
The Session topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
Sessions Organizers:
Dr. Xinhong Hei
Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an, P. R. China.
Email: heixinhng@xaut.edu.cn
Dr. Qingqi Pei
Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, P. R. China.
Email: qqpei@mail.xidian.edu.cn
Dr. Yulong Shen
Xidian University. Xi’an 710071, P. R. China.
Email: ylshen@ mail.xidian.edu.cn